Rare Lilac Roses Bouquet
Beautiful rare Lilac roses delivered in Manila Philippines and all cities Nationwide. Comes with delicious Ferrero Heart 4 pieces. "I Love You Forever"
PhilRegalo.com flowers are delivered in customized boxes that will suit each individual clients recipient’s needs. Roses are delivered in “Bud Stage” to ensure quality of the arrangement.
We use imported variety flowers so clients can be assured of utmost quality in handling, aesthetically, our flowers look great and will last for 1 week with proper care. The roses we use for our normal and special bouquet arrangements are only North American Roses. When we use other varieties, we make sure that it is well noted on the product name and/or description.
Note on Flowers that will be used North American Roses - 1 dozen (12 pcs) Ecuadorian Roses - 10 Pcs
- Philregalo will decide on what flowers will be used depending on availability and request. The Ecuadorian roses are much bigger and is prioritized to be used.
When you buy our products at PhilRegalo.com you are guaranteed of utmost quality with our 5 Stage Quality Control System that starts from the: SUPPLIER> WAREHOUSE DELIVERY > CLEAN & PACK > SHOP ARRANGER > SHOP RELEASING QC.
At PhilRegalo.com we care, that’s why we use only the best quality fresh flowers, fillers and floral accessories in the market, we always upgrade our standards in preparing and arranging all of our products with continuous training and research. You our clients at PhilRegalo.com is very important to us, we know that you’re spending hard earned money so you deserve to have your money’s worth and your recipients which is also our clients deserves to receive the best gift on their special and not so special day.
Product Options
You can choose different flower colors, quantity, Add-Ons and even shipping location. We offer different options on each product page, just pick the one you want from the drop down menu so we’ll know your preference.
Non Availability and Replacement
There are times that a product is not available, delayed in shipments or it failed Quality Control (QC). On this situation, PhilRegalo will replace the product with a similar item or an item with more value, based on the price on the site www.philregalo.com. Philregalo.com staff can call, email or message the sender of such replacement but is not obligated to do so. Before ordering, please read our site Terms and Returns policies so as to avoid miscommunication from both parties. Rest assured that when PhilRegalo.com replaces the non-available items, we will choose the best products possible.
Product Price
Price of each item/package in PhilRegalo.com is based on several factors. First and foremost is the cost of the acquisition of the product, quality of the product, cost to process the order which includes, man power, training and logistics, competitiveness in the market place, pricing objectives, supply and demand and Company’s Marketing Methods.
We at PhilRegalo.com strives for quality, we always reiterate this for that is our company’s strength. Quality in Service and Quality of our products. Our flower arrangements is considered by many to be the best in the Philippines, you can see this on our barely edited pictures so you our client and your recipients can you can “breathe a sigh of relief” that you are getting your money’s worth.
Message Card and Sticker Logo
Each order from PhilRegalo.com comes with a beautiful Gift Card, printed abroad. Design is original by PhilRegalo.com team and reflects pHilRegalo.com’s vision of quality on all the things that we do for the company. Quality First.
Delivery Info
PhilRegalo has it’s own delivery team for Metro Manila addresses, however due to the high volume of orders from our valued clients since 2005 up to the present, we also utilize the services of well organized couriers in the Philippines namely LBC, JRS Express and 2Go. Delivery takes 1 day for perishable items and addresses in Metro Manila and 2 or more days depending on location for provincial addresses.
As much as we can, we process and ship out orders the soonest to avoid delays. With our Quality Control System, the best products are picked and prepared for each order. However, there are times that delays occur. Cause of delay can be due to the following factors: Item is Out of Stock, Wrong or incomplete recipient addresses (orders not claimed will be porfeited ), wrong recipient contact number, Lost package, uncontrollable acts of nature.
When a delay occurs, Philregalo.com will act accordingly and coordinate with the sender and the recipient to resolve any issues that may arise from the delayed arrival of package. Rest assured that we want our clients to be happy and PhilRegalo will do our best to keep your business.
Returns / Warranty (Link) Returns Page Link | Terms and Policies
We welcome all suggestions, may this be regarding on how we can improve our services and products or if the client did not see a particular product and you want to suggest a product for us to include it on our inventory, we would love to do that.
Customer Service
If you have any concerns, you can Chat with us using Messenger Chat found on the left hand corner of the screen or you can call/message us thru Viber +63 917.622.6756 or you can email us support@philregalo.com. Please include a detailed
Our goal is to process and have your gift delivered on your desired delivery date or a day earlier. No Hidden Fees on all items.