Featured Bestsellers

Evening Holiday Gift Basket

Send delicious gift baskets to your loved ones in the Philippines!Package includes:Contandina – Penne 500gOrion – Choco Pie 30g (6pcs)Del Monte – Frujit Cocktail 825gTesco – Cranberry Juice Drink 1lTesco – Shortcake Biscuits 200gTulip – Pork Luncheon Meat 340gTesco – Peanut Munch Bar 6 pack 192gCoppola – Passata Sieved Tomatoes...


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Send delicious gift baskets to your loved ones in the Philippines!

Package includes:
Contandina – Penne 500g
Orion – Choco Pie 30g (6pcs)
Del Monte – Frujit Cocktail 825g
Tesco – Cranberry Juice Drink 1l
Tesco – Shortcake Biscuits 200g
Tulip – Pork Luncheon Meat 340g
Tesco – Peanut Munch Bar 6 pack 192g
Coppola – Passata Sieved Tomatoes 680g
May – Sparkling White Grape Fruit Juice 750ml
Real – Handcooked Strong Cheese & Onion Potato Crisps 150g

Give at  least 1 day lead time (PH Standard time). For items that are not available, PhilRegalo.com will substitute the item/s with items that are similar and of equal or greater value.  PhilRegalo.com may or may not inform sender on the substitution, depending on the situation.   Senders must make sure to provide correct name, address and cell number of recipient.  All food items are perishable and no refund will be made for non-delivery due to wrong info on the above information, please see our Refund Policy and site Terms and Policies.  Please make sure that your recipient or a representative is present and available in the address you provided.

We cannot commit exact time of delivery, but we at PhilRegalo.com will do our best to prioritize your order, process and schedule it for delivery.