Featured Bestsellers




Teddy Bears & Cuddles

Assorted Chocolate Bouquet B
Assorted Chocolates elegantly arranged into a bouquet! The perfect gift to give sweets lovers with style! Note: Chocolates delivery depends on availability.  PhilRegalo.com has the right to substitute the included products in case design or actual product is not available with an equally priced product or of greater value.  Example substitute Piggies with other designs or change them to bears instead. *Pls tell recipient to refrigerate when initially received.  Due to the Philippine weather, it's expected that chocolates are moist and soggy and should be place inside the refrigerator for a few minutes for the recipient to enjoy. Contact us for inquiries. Delivery Notes: Give at  least 3 days lead time (PH Standard time). For items that are not available, PhilRegalo.com will substitute the item/s with items that are similar and of equal or greater value.  PhilRegalo.com may or may not inform sender on the substitution, depending on the situation.   Senders...
Red Rose Dozen
Beautiful Red roses bouquet delivered in Manila Philippines and all cities Nationwide.  Enjoy the beauty and elegance of our North American Flowers in Bud Stage. Description PhilRegalo.com flowers are delivered in customized boxes that will suit each individual clients recipient’s needs. Roses are delivered in “Bud Stage” to ensure quality of the arrangement. We use imported variety flowers so clients can be assured of utmost quality in handling, aesthetically, our flowers look great and will last for 1 week with proper care.   The roses we use for our normal and special bouquet arrangements are only North American Roses. When we use other varieties, we make sure that it is well noted on the product name  and/or description.   Note on Flowers that will be used                                                     ...